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NFT of the week

Brazilian Visual Artist Day

This week, our Web3 community celebrates Brazilian Visual Artist Day, recognizing the incredible talent and vibrant creativity that these artists bring to the world of art. Brazilian visual artists inspire us with their unique ability to express the cultural soul of Brazil in their works. Their paintings, sculptures, and installations convey the rich history, contemporary challenges, and diversity of the Brazilian people in deep and emotive ways. They remind us of the importance of valuing and preserving different forms of artistic expression while encouraging us to explore new frontiers in creating and appreciating art in the digital age. By gifting our users with NFTs that celebrate Brazilian Visual Artist Day, we hope not only to highlight the talent of these artists but also to inspire our community to support and cherish Brazilian art and its creators.

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Last Week's NFT

International Financial Independence Awareness Day

This month's NFT drop for transacting with cmorq app!

1,212 Items         1,000 Owners

Crypto Birds Cafe

After years of hunting for bread crumbs on the floors of cafes and bars, peeking and looking over their shoulders, and running for their lives, they finally decided to get together and create their own cafe, The Crypto Birds Cafe!

Crypto Birds Cafe logo

Upcoming drops

Coming Soon!

Birds vs Dinos

Once upon a time, the era before the crypto birds became the Crypto birds… the Dinos ruled the world!

Birds vs. Dinos banner. A dinosaur facing a bird.
Coming Soon!

Your journey has just begun!

Your journey to financial freedom...

An egg hatches and transforms into a cmorq bird.

cmorq Artists

Artists can join cmorq to independently manage their NFT revenues in the simplest way possible.

Want to collaborate with us on our upcoming projects? Let us know about yourself!

cmorq NFT artist of the month

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